Motorcycle Safety
Motorcycle Class
I learned how to ride a motorcycle when I was 30. It’s difficult learning physical things as an adult. Things aren’t as intuitive as they used to be, and my intuitions were often wrong.
There is a mnemonic they taught us that helps with defensive driving. It is also a good model for moving forward in life when faced with a crossroads. It’s called…
SIPDE. Scan. Identify. Predict. Decide. Execute.
I’ll write this as a motorcycle safety lesson and let you, the reader, interpret it as a lesson for life.
Scan the road ahead. Look for what’s not quite right.
Identify the anomalies. Is there a kid playing soccer on the side of the road? Is that driver up ahead texting?
That ball might go into the road followed by the kid. That driver is gonna swerve.
If a dangerous situation arises, decide what you’ll do. It’ll involve one or more of the following: change speed (gas or brakes), change direction.
When the thing happens, execute your plan.
Practical Usage
Try this model when looking at any situation of uncertainty.